A lot of businesses are helping during the pandemic. This includes an Ontario facility MANUFACTURING THEIR FIRST personal protective equipment masks for health care professionals or this SMALL DESIGNER...
I’m very proud of how our Ontario business community has mobilized. Since launching their ONTARIO TOGETHER portal, “Over 1,200 submissions were received for the first three challenges to support...
Necessity is the mother of innovation and COVID-19 is resulting in a lot of INNOVATION—especially in the HEALTH CARE arena. This includes Canada’s Think Research with their suite of CLINICAL TOOLS geared to helping...
The CBC Interactives team has been doing an excellent job with creating engaging news interactives. “A City Destroyed: Experience the Halifax Explosion, 100 years later” is both excellent and...
Every so often someone impresses you with their ability to think outside the box and come up with an innovation that changes the world in some way. Stanford bioengineer,...
Did you know there’s a UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities? You do now. It’s fascinating stuff and expands the idea of lifelong learning. Per their site, “Cities are...