Wikipedia defines Augmented reality (AR) as “a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are ‘augmented’ by computer-generated perceptual information, ideally across multiple sensory modalities,...
WEBINAR: March 29, 2018 | 11:00a.m. to Noon EST Redwood Performance Group, Janine Harris and Craig Stephens. If your big ideas keep clashing with tiny budgets, it’s time to seek...
Happy Holidays from Redwood Performance Group!
R-E-S-P-E-C-T! That’s what we have for high impact instructors who bring classroom-based learning to life via their expertise and insights. Yet the learning world is riddled with less than...
A new film announced at the 2016 Toronto International Film Festival is offering viewers the chance to see life through the eyes of a 12-year-old Syrian refugee and what’s...
Millennials and attention spans shorter than goldfish – these are typical justifications you hear as to why Microlearning is a valuable part of a modern learning plan. I think...
I just gave a talk at an iLunch – an Interactive Ontario event with a wonderful colleague, Jeremy Friedberg, Partner at Spongelab Interactive. Here’s an overview: Since the early...
Recently, I met with my new financial adviser to review the performance of my investments. As he went through my portfolio I had to stop him many times and...
Perhaps a little too close to reality. Watch this hilarious skit by Tripp and Tyler—A conference call in real life.