Congratulations to the Toronto Raptors on their first NBA title! Canada saw a sports celebration not seen in Toronto since the Blue Jays’ World Series wins in 1992 and...
How do we know our training is effective? How can we tie it to business outcomes? Through a well-planned assessment and measurement approach. And one of the more interesting...
The game landscape just keeps getting better and better. Amazon’s Melissa Milloway kindly wrote an article (5 Free Web Based Learning Games That Will Inspire You) for LinkedIn’s new...
This is stunning! And a good example of how far technologies and innovation have come. Joss Fong and Dion Lee write in Vox about How the BBC makes wildlife...
Teams can make or break an organization. Zack Friedman (author of The Lemonade Life) wrote an article for Forbes about something called Project Aristotle. This was where Google wanted...
This one might be a wee bit controversial for people in the learning industry. After all, learning styles (how learners prefer to get their learning) has been conventional wisdom...
Author of the Mobile Learning Edge, Gary Woodill has written a new book with Chad Udell, Shock of the New: The Challenge and Promise of Emerging Technology. Technology is...
Mary Burns writes about computer-based assessments in eLearning Industry’s online blog. She says poor design is one of the main reasons any assessment will fail. We agree, but we...
The Urban Dictionary describes toxic positivity as “the belief that, if you stay positive, you will overcome any obstacle,” to such a degree that you invalidate natural emotional responses...
Sarah Schuster writes about toxic positivity, including her take for how Brené Brown describes empathy. Sarah concludes: “If sympathy is shouting down at someone while they’re stuck in a...