We’re highlighting Asha Pandy’s eLearning Industry’s article about eLearning trends in 2019 for a reason. It’s well thought out and she has structured the trends into four groupings as follows:
ONE: Trends That Help Learners Learn and Apply This Learning to Show Better Performance or Behavioral Change:
Mobile Learning
Digitalization of ILT (to Blended or Fully Online)
Performance Support Tools
Informal Learning
Social Learning
Self-Directed Learning
TWO: Learning Strategies with a Proven Track Record of Delivering a Better Engagement Quotient and Higher Training Impact:
Video-Based Learning (Videos and Interactive Videos)
Mobile Apps for Learning
Curation and User Generated Content
THREE: Trends That Organizations Must Invest In to Measure, Enhance, and Maximize the Impact of Their Training:
Learning Engagement Platforms – LXP
Learner Analytics
Big Data-Reporting and Analytics
FOUR: Other Notable Trends to Watch Out For:
AR/VR and MR for Immersive Learning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Learning